
Exercise 1

Draw a stack diagram for the following program. What does the program print?

def b(z): 
    prod = a(z, z) 
    print(z, prod)
    return prod
def a(x, y): 
    x = x + 1 
    return x * y

def c(x, y, z): 
    sum = x + y + z 
    pow = b(sum)**2 
    return pow
x = 1 
y = x + 1 
print c(x, y+3, x+y)

Exercise 2

The Ackermann function, A(m,n)A(m, n), is defined by:

\begin{eqnarray} A(m, n) = \begin{cases} n+1 & \mbox{if } m = 0 \\ A(m-1, 1) & \mbox{if } m > 0 \mbox{ and } n = 0 \\ A(m-1, A(m, n-1)) & \mbox{if } m > 0 \mbox{ and } n > 0. \end{cases} \end{eqnarray}

Write a recursive function named ackerman that evaluates Ackerman's function. Use your function to evaluate ackerman(3, 4), which should be 125. What happens for larger values of m and n?


Exercise 3

A palindrome is a word that is spelled the same backward and forward, like noon and redivider. Recursively, a word is a palindrome if the first and last letters are the same and the middle is a palindrome. The following are functions that take a string argument and return the first, last, and middle letters:

def first(word): 
    return word[0]
def last(word): 
    return word[-1]
def middle(word): 
    return word[1:-1]
  • Type these functions into a file named .py and test them out. What happens if you call middle with a string with two letters? One letter? What about the empty string, which is written '' and contains no letters?

  • Write a recursive function called is_palindrome that takes a string argument and returns True if it is a palindrome and False otherwise. Remember that you can use the built-in function len to check the length of a string.


Exercise 4

A number, aa, is a power of bb if it is divisible by bb and a/ba/b is a power of bb. Write a recursive function called is_power that takes parameters a and b and returns True if a is a power of b, False otherwise.


Exercise 5

This exercise is based on an example from Abelson and Sussman's "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs". The greatest common divisor (GCD) of aa and bb is the largest number that divides both of them with no remainder. One way to find the GCD of two numbers is Euclid's algorithm, which is based on the observation that if rr is the remainder when aa is divided by bb, then gcd(a,b)=gcd(b,r)gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, r). As a base case, we can consider gcd(a,0)=agcd(a, 0) = a.

Write a recursive function called gcd that takes parameters a and b and returns their greatest common divisor.


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